Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ghetto Tomato

I'm sure you have seen the infomercial for the "Topsy Turvy Tomato Tree".

Great concept. Tomatoes use gravity to grow. I love gravity too, but this thing is sooooo gimmicky and....


$40+ $20shipping, really? $60 for a bucket, green sheet, and stand? really?

Ummm, no. We can do better than that!

Ghetto farm boy to the rescue. I made my own, ghetto farm boy style!


"tommy's upside 'mater grower"

$1 bucket from dollar store, .15 cent sponge, homegrown 'mata plant, used wood.


Ghetto farm boy strikes again.

I'll probably get a law suit from the Topsy Turvy people.


Friday, May 8, 2009

This is why I Farm...

One of the things I love about gardening
is watching the process of
seeds growing into plants then growing into food.

Here is one example with lettuce and peas.

Lettuce and peas Feb 20th.

Lettuce and peas April 15th
(peas are growing on the trellis)

Lettuce and peas May 6th. Wow.

We have so much lettuce that we can't eat it all!
We gave tons away.
The kids are selling the rest!

Rose Organic Acres Farm, INC (AKA kids college fund)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm offically a worm farmer

5,000 (5lbs)Red Wiggler composting worms arrived. The mailman brought them and was wondering, "what in name of all things good is this Yankee boy doin?!".....or something like that.

Here I prep the worm hotel with wet shredded paper. Apparently worms love shredded paper to play and frolic.
Opening the box. Oooohhhh it's like Christmas morning, I wonder what's inside!

WORMS!!! 5,000 of them. AHHHH. Run for your lives.

I am splitting the 5,000 slime-ish ones with two other brilliant gardeners. So I had to weigh out our portions. Really? I weighing worms? My lil daughter is enthralled, she loves the worms and wants to name each of them (for real). I think one of them is named Chris, not sure of the other 4,999.
Here are the worms in their new home. Chomp worms chomp and make some fertile castings!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is that squash or stink bug.

What I love about squash plants is the funky way the plants grow out of the seed.

The seeds shell stays attached to the leaf while the new plant grows. I just think that is cool.

First time I saw the seed shell, I thought a stink bug was on my plant! They kind of look the same to my noobie eye!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rain Barrels 2.0

Last year I set up rain barrels to collect.....well.... rain water!

They worked great for supplying water for the garden.

But...I rushed the installation and did not elevate the barrels properly. Thus flow from the barrels was slow and annoying. Plus I could not connect them together since they were not elevated. Gravity is like that sometimes. Dang gum Issac Newton!

So this year I reconfigured, refitted, and repositioned. (of course I spent next to nothing on parts). Gravity is my friend this year.

Since the barrels are elevated, when barrel #1 is full ,water will flow into barrel #2 (via green hose). Then when barrel #2 is full, water will flow out of the overflow tube at the top of #2. (and away from my foundation!)

Cuz I'm redneck smart like that!

From the sky to roof to gutter to barrel to my plants. Forget the environment, this just makes sense (cents?)!!

Dora is still getting it done!

Here are the victorious Dora the Explorer
squash cups a week later. Take that peat pots!

aannnnddd I'm never using a peat pot again.
It's all Dora her super yogurt cups from now on.

Speaking of yogurt cups. Here is a pic of one
of the tomato plants growing nicely in a large
yogurt cup. Hope to transplant to the garden
on Tax Day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It must be the gas from the plastic

I am cheap.

Really cheap.

So when I started the veggie seeds back in Jan, I made a decision to not spend tons of dough on seed trays, growing lights, potting soil, blah blah blah.

I used what I had on hand. So any coffee cup, yogurt cup, sour cream cup, etc was recruited for a seed pot. (shhh, I even raided my neighbors recycle bin).

The best seedling producer was the "Dora the Explorer" yogurt cups.

However, I did get a deal on "peat pots" which are supposed be great for growing and transplanting. So I gave them shot.

In fact, as an experiment, I planted some herb seeds and squash seeds in the fancy smancy peat pots AND Dora cups.

Same dirt, same room temp, same sun exposure, same watering schedule.

Look at the results!

Cilantro seeds in Dora, growing.
Peat pots...just some cups of dirt.

Squash seeds. Dora is 1-1. Peat pots are 0-10.

It must be the Bisphenol A off-gas from Dora's plastic!