Saturday, March 21, 2009

It must be the gas from the plastic

I am cheap.

Really cheap.

So when I started the veggie seeds back in Jan, I made a decision to not spend tons of dough on seed trays, growing lights, potting soil, blah blah blah.

I used what I had on hand. So any coffee cup, yogurt cup, sour cream cup, etc was recruited for a seed pot. (shhh, I even raided my neighbors recycle bin).

The best seedling producer was the "Dora the Explorer" yogurt cups.

However, I did get a deal on "peat pots" which are supposed be great for growing and transplanting. So I gave them shot.

In fact, as an experiment, I planted some herb seeds and squash seeds in the fancy smancy peat pots AND Dora cups.

Same dirt, same room temp, same sun exposure, same watering schedule.

Look at the results!

Cilantro seeds in Dora, growing.
Peat pots...just some cups of dirt.

Squash seeds. Dora is 1-1. Peat pots are 0-10.

It must be the Bisphenol A off-gas from Dora's plastic!

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