Friday, February 27, 2009

survived the cold? for now....maybe.

Well I think my lettuce and pea babies survived this week's "touch of the the north". It was 20 degrees several nights. I armed the plants with covers of milk jugs and heavy tarps to keep out the cold.

Here is what they look like today. Some of the lettuce actually grew. Tough lil' buggers.

Today is 65 degrees and overcast with rain coming. So I used the warm and wet weather to plant the spinach youngins'. They were looking a little sad in the shed. Think it wanted to be free to grow. We'll see.....

Here are are the Earliana and Roma tomatos in the shed. I kept the fluorescent bulbs on today since it was overcast. The light gives them an angelic glow. Perhaps a sign of much produce come June! ;0)

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